The Centre Of Me

There is a point where in the mystery of existence contradictions meet; where movement is not all movement and stillness is not all stillness; where the idea and the form, the within and the without, are united; where infinite becomes finite, yet not.

~ Rabindranath Tagore (1961)

Pack of ME Card Readings

An enriching imagery-based process designed to uncover your emotional priorities and enable you to make commitments that...

Offerings For Adults

For adults we create opportunities to develop embodied emotional literacy, spiritual capacity and clarity for resilient and...

Offerings For Children

For children we have a range of workshops to allow them to be more in tune with their embodiment, emotional and spiritual...

The Centre of ME Retreats

Individuals, families and couples experience different transition points and The Centre of ME Retreats are customised and bespoke...

Request a call back to explore ways of working with us.

Call us and take the decisice action to invest in yourself. We have got the energy and experience to help you pursue ways of becoming self aware and centred.

Get started

Get to feel and know your feelings

When you commit to know your feelings, you begin to develop not just your emotional intelligence but also your intuitive capacities. Your feelings connect you to universal energy.

At The Centre of ME you will find that we take all your feelings seriously. We are serious about your anger and serious about your joy. We focus on feelings and emotions with a wide variety of approaches. Through working on becoming aware of and accepting of our feelings, we open doors to increasing consciouness and increased capacity for being present in our daily life. Learning to feel deeply is an art in itself, which accelerates our potential.

Positive impacts of nature on human flourishing

Read our blogs for engaging your feelings and flowering to your full potential

Get in Touch

Contact Us for ways of beginning your own Centre of ME Journey. Our Programmes are available online.

Our Location:

Goa, India | London, UK

Call Us:

+91 899 907 7204

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