Los Angeles

Offerings For Adults

 Offerings For Adults

For adults we create opportunities to develop embodied emotional literacy, spiritual capacity and clarity for resilient and wholesome relationships with self and others.

  •   One-to-one sessions
  •   Group workshops
  •   Retreat experiences
The Pack of ME Depth Reading (one-to-one, Single Session)

An enriching imagery-based process designed to uncover your emotional priorities and enable you to make commitments that will deliver results for your wellbeing. The Pack of ME cards was designed by Dr. Rachana Patni to enable anyone to engage deeply with their emotional world, even if long term personal development is not on their current agenda. This Pack of ME has clients across the world from Australia to London, LA to Dubai and in different parts of India. We work in an integrated way with your life story and your embodied responses to access aspects of your emotional world.

Especially popular with coaches, counsellors, therapists, healers and psychologically minded individuals who wish to care for and nourish their emotional world.

Unpacking the Centre of ME: Leadership Consulting Sessions (one-to-one 7 sessions)

A beautiful engagement over 7 sessions to delve into your life’s formational story and to examine what it is you need to grow and what it is you need to let go. A process that includes a host of techniques to work at the energetic and embodied memories and to reach a state of clarity and commitments for your leadership growth and wellbeing. Neither designed as a continuous development, nor primed for disruptive input, this process is bespoke and very much co-created anew each time.

This process has been designed by Dr. Rachana Patni with the intention of creating a time-bound intervention that engages with your core beliefs and patterns. It allows for a way to stand by your own side and to stand out of your own way in responding to life’s callings.

Building Emotional Capacity Workshops:

Emotional literacy, Emotional Regulation and Emotional Capacity are all aspects that we can develop in ourselves. Our emotional caliber and acumen begin to grow when we are able to attune and engage with our own organic gold rather than when we chase after external glitter.

There are 12 workshops in total over a period of three months and you may write to us to join the waitlist for the next workshop.

There is a special series of these workshops for new parents - Building Parenting Capacity and one which is focused on expectant mothers - Pre-natal Preparation for Parenting.

You may attend the virtual sessions. In the future you will also be able buy a video series of these workshops to review these at your own convenience.

Life Transitions Coaching:

When life and our choices in life demand a new alignment or attunement to our changing capacities, it is important to find a space to anchor the developments in ourselves. Life Transitions Coaching is designed to allow clients to get into a nuanced appreciation of the challenges and eventually, the gifts of change. All of our growth happens through transitions. Some transitions are universal and some are context driven by the circumstances of our lives and our own personality structure. Reflecting on transitions in an embodied way allows for an engagement with some hard truths, while enabling a compassionate acceptance of our very own journey. Life Transitions Coaching is about working to embrace ourselves in our lives. You may choose between 3 months and 6 months engagement, with meetings every week. This enables a concrete commitment to the developing person that you are.

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