Los Angeles

Offerings For Children

 Offerings For Children

For children we have a range of workshops to allow them to be more in tune with their embodiment, emotional and spiritual existence through movement, somatic exercises, and story-based learning. These workshops are also available to be integrated in school curriculums and they expand on the socio-emotional learning by bringing in awareness and engagement of embodied experiences.

Workshops for Growing ME

In these workshops neurological, psychological, artistic, spiritual, occupational and social aspects of our existence are nourished, nurtured and resourced. These workshops are designed to enable the experience of a flowering of the child, rather than making them conform to certain ways of being successful. The wild child, the lost child, the overactive child, the dreamer, the loner, the popular, the social one, all of these labels are made irrelevant and we meet the child in their own flowering, to support them in the way that they need.

These workshops are once a week for 12 weeks in total.

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